Why Choose Kindergarten?

Kindergartens have shaped early childhood education for over a century, offering a nurturing, play-based environment where tamariki thrive under the guidance of 100% qualified kaiako (teachers). With a focus on child-led exploration, natural outdoor spaces, and strong whānau involvement, they foster creativity, confidence, and a love for learning.

At Heretaunga Kindergartens our purpose is to provide exceptional kaiako led educational environments for our tamariki and community for generations to come. We are focused on putting tamariki at the heart of what we do. We strive for equitable access and exceptional teaching and leadership. Our work is underpinned by the four articles of Te Tiriti O Waitangi. Our commitment is to foster relationships with tamariki, whānau and our communities of learning, grounded in our core values of:

Our Values:


where we enable everyone’s voices to be heard, we value different opinions, and we work for the mutual benefit of others.


we demonstrate reciprocity and goodwill.


we demonstrate collectivism and unity in our work.


we demonstrate relationships, aroha and a sense of family connection through shared experiences and working together which provides people with a sense of belonging.

What Makes Us Different? Click to find out! 

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