The Kindergarten Difference
Why Choose Kindergarten?
Kindergartens have shaped early childhood education for over a century, offering a nurturing, play-based environment where tamariki thrive under the guidance of 100% qualified kaiako (teachers). With a focus on child-led exploration, natural outdoor spaces, and strong whānau involvement, they foster creativity, confidence, and a love for learning.
At Heretaunga Kindergartens our purpose is to provide exceptional kaiako led educational environments for our tamariki and community for generations to come. We are focused on putting tamariki at the heart of what we do. We strive for equitable access and exceptional teaching and leadership. Our work is underpinned by the four articles of Te Tiriti O Waitangi. Our commitment is to foster relationships with tamariki, whānau and our communities of learning, grounded in our core values of:
Our Values:

where we enable everyone’s voices to be heard, we value different opinions, and we work for the mutual benefit of others.

we demonstrate reciprocity and goodwill.

we demonstrate collectivism and unity in our work.

we demonstrate relationships, aroha and a sense of family connection through shared experiences and working together which provides people with a sense of belonging.
What Makes Us Different? Click to find out!
A Strong Community Focus
One of the key differences that sets Heretaunga Kindergartens apart is our strong community focus, where tamariki, whānau, and kaiako learn and grow together. We are an association of 16 kindergartens across Flaxmere, Hastings, Havelock North, and Central Hawke’s Bay, each uniquely shaped by the needs and values of its local community.
Our board of governance, made up of whānau representatives, gives a powerful voice and ensures decisions are made in the best interests of tamariki and their communities. This model encourages whānau to actively participate, influence outcomes, and make a real difference in their local communities.

Non-Profit for Purpose
Heretaunga Kindergartens is a community organisation with a purpose: tamariki, not profit. Every decision we make is driven by the wellbeing of our tamariki and whānau. This “non-profit for purpose” approach resonates with whānau who value organisations that put tamariki and community at the heart of their operations.

100% Qualified Kaiako
Our kaiako are 100% qualified and registered, who stay up-to-date with the latest practices through ongoing professional development, ensuring the best learning and nurturing environment for your child’s growth – a standard that sets us apart.
At the end of each session, our Kaiako have dedicated (non-contact) time to collaborate and plan together, which enhances the quality of teaching and learning for your child. This time is a unique aspect of kindergarten.
Kaiako have the opportunity to learn and grow in all areas of early childhood education, allowing them to explore different aspects of the profession if they choose. This autonomy helps them develop a wide range of skills and brings fresh insights to their work, ensuring they continue to grow and evolve in their roles. As a result, kaiako are more likely to stay longer in the profession, supported by the ongoing opportunities for professional development and personal growth.
Our Education Leader/Advisor provides experienced guidance and support to our kindergarten teams. They support high quality teaching standards, mentor new teachers, and ensure a consistent approach to the curriculum across all our kindergartens, making them a valuable part of our kindergarten community.

Large Natural Environments
Our outdoor spaces are designed to be generous and nature-inspired, reflecting our strong commitment to the Enviroschools kaupapa. We don’t just have grass, we have trees, gardens, worm farms, native birds and bug life. Kindergarten’s free play philosophy provides tamariki with the freedom and time to explore the natural world around them, fostering curiosity and learning. We believe in giving tamariki the opportunity to connect with nature, encouraging them to play, discover, and develop at their own pace.
Enviroschools is a facilitated led kaupapa that is unique to kindergartens in Te Mata a Maui (Hawkes Bay) and is supported by the HB Regional Council.

Bicultural Commitment
Each kindergarten uses The NZ Early Childhood Curriculum, Te Whāriki as a basis for weaving whānau aspirations and local curriculum of valued learning, working collaboratively together to identify and achieve priority learning goals for tamariki.
Me Haere Whakamua is a cultural leadership group unique to HKs (comprising of representatives from kindergarten Kaiako and Support Office staff), this rōpu provides essential guidance in upholding our HK Te Tiriti o Waitangi Policy, which is honored through a forum of open and constructive communication between HK Support Staff, kindergartens, and iwi in relation to cultural practices. This rōpu works together to explore bicultural outcome-based solutions and contribute to the strategy and annual planning of the association, such as a representative at board level, and the establishment of a new Kaiarataki Māori role. our Kaiarataki Māori is now a key member of Me Haere Whakamua and a passionate leader dedicated to supporting Te reo Māori me ona tikanga across the organisation.

Creating Lasting Connections
Our kindergartens have a rich history, with generations of whānau returning to the same kindergartens they attended as tamariki. This strong connection to historical practice is the backbone of our enrolments and highlights the enduring trust and respect our communities have for kindergarten education.