Heretaunga Kindergartens archive is dedicated to the social and institutional history of the Heretaunga Free Kindergarten Association (HFKA). It collects, preserves and facilitates research access to historic material related to the Committees, Kindergartens and significant individuals that make up the Association.
15 February 1928
HFKA was formerly known as the Hastings Free Kindergarten Association. From the first public meeting held on 15 February 1928, Committees of the Hastings Free Kindergarten Association worked to establish and resource Kindergartens for local children.
In 1979 the Hastings Free Kindergarten Association was joined with the Havelock North Kindergarten Association and the name was changed to Heretaunga Free Kindergarten Association. Central Hawke’s Bay Free Kindergarten Association joined HFKA in 1997.
In 2008 HFKA and Michael Fowler (as historian/author) published a book titled “A Proud Heritage: History of the Heretaunga Free Kindergarten Association 1928-2008”. ‘A Proud Heritage’ is the story of individuals over the last 80 years, who have volunteered their time to establish free kindergartens in Hastings, Havelock North, Central Hawke’s Bay and Flaxmere.

In 2023 we decided that it was time to update and refresh our brand, our look, our name and our website. We undertook the rebrand process early this year, and as a team came up with our new brand that we feel is more connect to our kaiako, staff, tamariki, whānau and communities. A brand that now brings all 16 Kindergartens, 16 communities and the Support Office together as one.