Nau mai haere mai - Welcome
Hunter Park kindergarten is situated on top of the historic Pukekaihau Pa, overlooking the Waipukurau township and surrounded my mature and magnificent trees.
Our beautiful kindergarten serves both urban and rural population in sunny Central Hawkes Bay, providing quality early childhood education for tamariki ages two to six years.
We are open for learning all year (except for Christmas/Summer closure). We are an all-day sessional kindergarten with a maximum group size of 40. Standard session hours are 8.30am-2.30pm daily.
In consultation with community, Hunter Park Kindergarten developed a distinctive cultural framework Te Puna o Pukekaihau, reflecting the unique place of Māori as tangata whenua. This sits alongside the Aotearoa New Zealand Te Whāriki curriculum.
Whanaungatanga is important to us. We use a key teacher approach which means that tamariki have an assigned kaiako that plans for, tracks and documents their individual learning journey in consultation with their whānau. This key kaiako remains with the tamaiti and whānau for their entire kindergarten journey.
Whenuatanga and Kaitiakitanga are important to us. As an active Enviroschool, we value the natural environment both at kindergarten and out into our community. Sitting closely alongside this are the practices of Mindfulness which is taught and shared with tamariki, whānau and kaiako.
We have an open door. You are welcome to visit us any day during session hours. Nau mai, Haere Mai.
Vision and Philosophy
Te Puna o Pukekaihau has four streams of learning: Cultural Identity, Community, Transition and Sustainability. Akonga at Hunter Park Kindergarten will experience:
- Cultural Identity through whanaungatanga - reciprocal relationships
- Community through kaitiakitanga - guardianship
- Transition focused on whakamana - empowerment
- Sustainability with nurturing wairua through nature
Providing a learning environment that reflects the Cultural Framework of Te Puna O Pukekaihau.
Relationships sit at the heart of our kaupapa. We believe in building authentic connective relationships through respect and kindness with one another and with our natural environment.
We recognise children’s play as being holistic and fundamental to their learning and development.
At Hunter Park Kindergarten – Te Puna o Pukekaihau, we uphold the mana of every child. We value and affirm each child’s unique leaning journey. (Reviewed 2022)
ERO Quality Evaluation Report
Hours and Fees
20 January - 19 December 2025
Monday – Friday:
8.30 am – 2.30 pm
Dates Closed
2025 Statutory Holidays
Waitangi Day – Thursday 6 February
Good Friday – Friday 18 April
Easter Monday – Monday 21 April
Anzac Day – Friday 25 April
King’s Birthday – Monday 2 June
Matariki – Friday 20 June
Hawkes’ Bay Anniversary - Friday 24 October
Labour Day – Monday 27 October
Kaiako Professional Development
We will be closed on the following dates to support kaiako professional development, ensuring continuous growth and improvement:
Thursday 17th April (1 day)
Monday 7th July - Friday 11th July (1 week)
Friday 3rd October (1 day)

Sharon Sciascia
Kaiako Matua (Head Teacher)
Diploma Teaching (ECE)
Bachelor of Education (Special Ed)

Alyssa Sanson
Bachelor of Teaching

Nicky Burnett
Bachelor of Teaching
(Early Childhood Education)

Rachel Schicker
Diploma of Teaching

Claire Beachen
Bachelor of Teaching
(Early Childhood Education)