Nau mai haere mai - Welcome
The Child – the Heart of the Matter
Nestled in the heart of West Hastings, rich in nature and freedom, lies an expansive environment where trees are climbed, play means learning, and memories are made. Creativity, Joy and exploration create magical moments and set the perfect foundation for each child’s learning journey. Mahora Kindergarten is held together with five Pou – each representing a core value that is woven into every part of the Mahora Kindergarten journey. Whanaungatanga, Manaaki, Mauri, Kaitiakitanga and Ako – each Pou strengthening each other and ensuring a quality early childhood experience for tamariki and whānau.
Our environment offers many opportunities to explore and learn in a way that creates a sense of wonder and fun, while building lifelong relationships to treasure. Our programme emerges from the interests of children, viewing play as the finest form of learning. It is within their play that children develop essential skills, patterns of behaviour, and attitudes towards themselves as learners. Our team of dedicated and experienced teachers have a strong understanding of the child development and dispositional learning, along with a passion for supporting neurodiversity.
Mahora Kindergarten is as much for you as it is for your child – it is your home too! Whether you need a friendly ear or a cuppa, we are here for you.
Vision and Philosophy
Ko te ahurei o te tamaiti arahia o tatou mahi
Let the uniqueness of the child guide our work
Mahora Kindergarten is held together with five Pou – each representing a core value that is woven into every part of the Mahora Kindergarten journey. Whanaungatanga, Manaaki, Mauri, Kaitiakitanga and Ako – each Pou strengthening each other and ensuring a quality early childhood experience for tamariki and whānau.

connected, sense of belonging, whanau.
We believe in building genuine relationships with tamariki and their whanau.
WHANAUNGATANGA – connected, sense of belonging, whanau.
We believe in building genuine relationships with tamariki and their whanau.
- We do this by getting to know each child as an individual to develop an understanding of who they are both at home and in the Kindergarten environment.
- We have an open door policy where whanau are always welcome to spend time within the Kindergarten, are offered opportunities to contribute, have a cuppa, or are simply offered a listening ear.
- Whānau aspirations for te tamaiti are respected, supported, and valued.
- Respectful, reciprocal relationships are highly valued with and between tamariki, whānau, and Kaiako.
We value community involvement and establishing relationships with local agencies, schools and people.
- We do this by continually building our relationship with our local Kura, visiting them, and hosting their tamariki and Kaiako.
- Mahora Kindergarten is part of a Kahui Ako network of Kura and early childhood centers where we are able to build relationships and share valuable learning between experienced education professionals.
- Kaiako work closely in conjunction with outside agencies and services to support tamariki and their whanau with any extra support or guidance they require.
- We foster relationships with the community and invite them to be part of Kindergarten life.
We believe in the Wonder of Childhood and ensuring each child’s time at Kindergarten is magical and place where positive memories are made.
- We do this by ensuring that each child has the opportunity to settle into Kindergarten life at their own pace with their wellbeing remaining at the forefront of their transition.
- Tamariki and whanau leave Kindergarten with a Poroaki, a celebration of their time here where their journey is shared in a meaningful way.
- Kaiakio provide inviting provocations and experiences that encourage exploration and wonder. We join in, play and have fun alongside tamariki.
Fun, laughter, and silliness is a part of the every day goings on within the Kindergarten for tamariki their whanau, and Kaiako.
- We do this through Kaiako modelling having fun together and showing ourselves enjoying our time within the Kindergarten.
- We provide opportunities for children to be laugh and have fun including silly songs and stories and dedicated silly days.

aroha, nurtured, supported
We believe that the child’s voice should be valued and is a vital part of their learning and growth.
MANAAKI – aroha, nurtured, supported
We believe that the child’s voice should be valued and is a vital part of their learning and growth.
- We do this by asking open ended questions, documenting their thoughts and using this to plan for learning.
- We take the time to stop and listen to what tamariki are saying – they are always offered the opportunity to be heard.
We believe in providing interactions that are Mana enhancing for each child.
- We do this by actively and intentionally using language that builds up and encourages a child.
- We provide opportunities for tamariki to become leaders and take responsibility.
- Kaiako articulate all holistic efforts and contributions for all the stages of a child’s development.
- Kaiako are attuned and responsive to the individual physical, emotional, intellectual and social needs of tamariki.
We believe that every child deserves to succeed so Mahora Kindergarten is inclusive to all Tamariki.
- We do this by being confident in supporting diverse learners through utilizing external support and building on our own knowledge base to support children and whānau.
- Each child within the Kindergarten is cared for and protected.
- Kaiako use intentional teaching and scaffolding, focusing not on what a child can not do, but how we can support them to achieve their goals and aspirations.

independent, resilient, mindful
We believe that risk taking is an essential part of children’s play and development.
MAURI – independent, resilient, mindful
We believe that risk taking is an essential part of children’s play and development.
- We do this by using supportive and encouraging language and by providing opportunities for children to take risks in a safe and empowering way.
- We have an environment that allows for physical challenge and thinking outside of the box.
- Kaiako model problem solving language and strategies when working alongside children.
We believe that children should be valued as unique and individual.
- We do this by respecting and celebrating tamariki for their personal strengths and abilities.
- Tamariki are given time, support and resources to explore their own ideas and working theories to enhance their learning and development.
- Kaiako are present, kind, and compassionate towards the needs of all ākonga.
- Kaiako understand the different ways children learn and work with each child’s individual schema, passions, and urges.

respectful, guardianship, protected
We believe that Te Tiriti o Waitangi underpins our everyday practice.
KAITIAKITANGA – respectful, guardianship, protected
We believe that Te Tiriti o Waitangi underpins our everyday practice.
- We do this by continually building our knowledge base and striving to constantly challenge and extend our own understandings of language and culture.
- Tamariki are exposed to te reo, waiata, and tikanga practices throughout their day in a way that is natural and woven throughout everything they do.
- Kaiako build relationships with our wider community to ensure that mātauranga Māori is genuine and relevant to the ground on which we stand.
- Our programme and practices reflect our commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi, honoring Māori as Tangata Whenua.
- Kaiako uphold te reo Māori me ngā tikanga.
We believe in creating a positive impact within the community and wider community by ensuring the Enviroschools kaupapa underpins our programme and practices.
- We do this by aiming to source sustainable resources and experiences.
- Kaiako articulate our sustainable practices in the moment with tamariki in using child friendly language so they can grow their own understanding of the kaupapa.
- Kaiako model and support respectful behavior towards one another, our resources and the environment.
- Providing opportunities for tamariki to take part in sustainable practices such as recycling, composting, and feeding worms.

to teach and learn
We believe in providing an environment that fosters inquiry and curiosity; where tamariki learn through play, exploration, and discovery.
AKO – to teach and learn
We believe in providing an environment that fosters inquiry and curiosity; where tamariki learn through play, exploration, and discovery.
- We do this by ensuring our Kindergarten is filled with a variety of resources both natural and designed, that allow for choice.
- We follow the lead of the child where they feel confident in asking for what they need to extend their own learning.
- Learning through play is recognized as the most genuine form of learning in early childhood and is encouraged, supported, and respected.
We believe that within our Kindergarten we area a community of learners that learn from one another (Kaiako included).
- We do this by encouraging Tuakana-Teina relationships where our youngest children learn from our oldest children. We recognise this is not only about age, but also between all tamariki sharing knowledge and skill sharing this with those who are still learning.
- Kaiako acknowledge Tuakana when they are supporting Teina, affirming and encouraging their leadership skills.
- Whanau are encouraged to share their knowledge and passions with both tamariki, and Kaiako.
We believe in providing an engaging and motivating environment for tamariki.
- We do this by changing the environment regularly to reflect the changing needs and passions of the children.
- Spaces within the Kindergarten are inviting and provoke learning, imagination, and creativity.
- We ensure the environment remains aesthetically pleasing and offers a variety of spaces both for group exploration and solitary play.
ERO Quality Evaluation Report
Hours and Fees
20 January - 19 December 2025
Monday – Friday:
8.30 am – 3.00 pm
Dates Closed
2025 Statutory Holidays
Waitangi Day – Thursday 6 February
Good Friday – Friday 18 April
Easter Monday – Monday 21 April
Anzac Day – Friday 25 April
King’s Birthday – Monday 2 June
Matariki – Friday 20 June
Hawkes’ Bay Anniversary - Friday 24 October
Labour Day – Monday 27 October
Kaiako Professional Development
We will be closed on the following dates to support kaiako professional development, ensuring continuous growth and improvement:
Thursday 17th April (1 day)
Monday 7th July - Friday 11th July (1 week)
Friday 3rd October (1 day)

Anna Lyall
Kaiako Matua (Head Teacher)
Bachelor of Education (Teaching)

Karen McLaughlin
Bachelor of Education
Diploma of Teaching

Bridget Annabell
Bachelor of Education
(Early Childhood Education)

Jodie Grant
Bachelor of Teaching
(Early Childhood Education)

Andrea Tinning
Graduate Diploma of Teaching
(Early Childhood Education)